Help Center

Payment Methods

Will I be charged sales tax on my order?

Tax charges are based on applicable federal, provincial and harmonized sales tax rates based on the delivery address associated with your order. Where required, sales tax will also be applied to the shipping and handling charges. If you return an item for a refund, you will also receive a refund for the sales tax you paid for that item. You will not receive a refund for the sales tax you paid on the shipping and handling of that item, as the shipping and handling charges are nonrefundable once an item has been shipped.

How can I pay for my order shipping to the U.S.?

Your billing address and credit card must be in the United States or Canada. You will be charged in U.S. dollars.

What exchange rates and fees will I be charged?

You will be subject to the exchange rate charged by your bank or credit card company for foreign currency conversions at the time the order is placed.

What is an authorization hold?

Once your online order is submitted, an authorization hold is placed for the total amount until the order is fulfilled. When the order ships, the charge is processed. If the order is canceled, the authorization hold will automatically drop. On rare occasions, if an order or part of an order has not shipped within a few days of order placement, a new authorization hold may be issued until the order is processed.

Please note that authorization holds will vary depending on the bank's policy, regardless of credit card company. Apple Pay policy on authorization holds, if processing multiple shipments, requires reauthorization after each shipment is processed.

If the order is canceled, you may contact your bank to request an immediate release of any holds on your account. If the bank is unable to assist you, please contact us and have the following information handy:

  • Name (cardholder name)
  • Phone number
  • Order number
  • Date of purchase
  • Transaction amount
  • Issuing bank name and email address

We accept all major credit cards for online purchases:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover/Novus
  • PayPal
  • The Children’s Place and Gymboree gift cards
  • The Children’s Place and Gymboree merchandise credits

We do not accept these forms of payment:

  • Check
  • Money order
  • Cash
  • Unemployment debit/credit cards
  • Child support debit/credit cards
  • International credit cards

You are responsible for adhering to the Terms & Conditions of the payment you select.

Is my information secure?

The protection of your personal information is a priority to The Children's Place. That is why we have taken measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information you provide. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol encryption technologies to ensure your information is encrypted while being transmitted over the internet. Please note: certain browsers and firewalls do not permit communication through secure servers.

Can I split my purchase between several credit cards?

At this time, you can only use one credit card per order.

What is PayPal?

PayPal, a leader in online payments with over 193 million accounts worldwide, is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online. PayPal makes online shopping fast, fun and easy, and it's accepted by thousands of merchants all over the world. For more information on PayPal, click here.

How do I use my PayPal account online?

Customers with existing PayPal accounts only need to sign into their PayPal account during the checkout process.

What if I don’t have a PayPal account/how do I apply for PayPal?

You can open a PayPal account at Once you have an active account, you can proceed with your order.

Can I use a coupon if I use PayPal?

Yes, you can use a coupon.

Can I split my purchase between PayPal and another form of payment?

You can use up to 5 gift cards and one other form of payment, like PayPal. We are currently unable to split a payment between PayPal and another debit or credit card.